If you think the Sex Offender Registry is not unconstitutional; than please leave this webpage, now; by official decree, of the author of this webpage.
If you believe it is ok to deny registered sex offenders human rights or U.S. Constitutional rights. If you do not believe registered sex offenders are denied their human and constitutional rights or if you are against free speech.
Please leave this web page now. Thank you.
By remaining on this web page you here by acknowledge that you support human rights and United States constitutional rights for registered sex offenders and that you support freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech is understood to be fundamental in a democracy.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights.
This blog is not for people to be critical of what is posted here and if the reader is critical of anything here than that means they did not read the disclaimer on the top of each of the pages here and are not welcome here and should stop reading and leave this blog upon my request and in the name of freedom of speech, and my rights as a American citizen.
No sexual abuse is ever acceptable. Sex offense laws and policies should be based on sound research and common sense, not fear, panic or paranoia. Current laws and policies that paint all sex offenders with one broad brush are counter- productive, wasteful, and cause needless harm. Each offense must be judged on its own merits with a punishment that fits the crime and does not waste taxpayer dollars. The public sex offender registry and residency restriction laws do not protect children but instead ostracize and dehumanize individuals and their families. Money spent on purely punitive measures would be better used for prevention, healing, and rehabilitation.
The author of SO FAQ does not affiliate with any other organization or people on the internet or the world for that matter. I have been saying this since I first logged on to the internet. Just because I like organizations like the ACLU; does not mean I believe in everything they believe in or stand for. Just like in our great country when we vote; we will never believe in everything the candidate we vote for; believes in or stands for. That doe not mean we are should not vote.
The author of SO FAQ does not affiliate with any other organization or people on the internet or the world for that matter. I have been saying this since I first logged on to the internet. Just because I like organizations like the ACLU; does not mean I believe in everything they believe in or stand for. Just like in our great country when we vote; we will never believe in everything the candidate we vote for; believes in or stands for. That doe not mean we are should not vote.
Why New Sex Offender Laws Do More Harm Than Good
The vast majority of sex offenses are committed by trusted adults-family members, friends, clergy-and go unreported because of manipulation of the victims, unconscionable decisions by other adults, or both.
How did we ever survive in our country, with out all these; new Nazi like; sex offender laws?
The internet and television media keeps pushing it's inhuman persecution of our community's in America based on fear mongering against all things sex offences.
They love to prop up religious leaders and celebrities trying to bring them down like using Jews against Jews in the holocaust. The very people that support un-American sex offender laws are the people who are hurt most by them. You can not live your life without committing a sex offence or at least entertaining one in your mind. For instance if you go to the bathroom outside; that is a sex offence. The guilt we all feel makes us lash out at each other with new right wing laws.
Arrest the parents of the teenage girls as sex offenders that allow them to date men over 18? Arrest 3 year olds for sex offences? Arrest anyone that gets any underage girls pregnant even if the boys are underage?
Here is a small example about the media:
WI: Sex offender law passes after CBS 58 Investigation
Posted On 24 Jul, 2014
MILWAUKEE — Thanks to a CBS 58 Bottom Line Investigation Milwaukee now has a new sex offender ordinance.
CBS 58’s Investigative Reporter Sarah Barwacz brought the issue to lawmakers back in May after finding child predators living next to schools, daycare centers, and parks. It was legal for child predators to live next to schools and parks because there was no law against it. Some council members we spoke with felt Milwaukee had become overrun with offenders. After several months of working with lawmakers Tuesday we got a law passed. Full Article
TX: Lewisville Loses Appeal on Sex Offender Ordinance
Posted On 24 Jul, 2014
In a ruling released Tuesday, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a district court ruling from last year that had dismissed a lawsuit against the City of Lewisville over the constitutionality of a city ordinance restricting where registered sex offenders can live. Full Article
Opinion: Public sex offender registries, like one created with Megan’s Law, are often unfair and ineffective: magazine editor
Posted On 28 Jul, 2014
Jacob Sullum, senior editor at Reason magazine, writes that sex offender databases are both over- and under-inclusive, and often fail to distinguish between dangerous predators and those with nonviolent offenses. Further, one survey found that 90% of sexually abused minors were assaulted by relatives or acquaintances, not strangers. Full Opinion Piece
Posted On 24 Jul, 2014
Registered sex offender Frank Lindsay today challenged an ordinance adopted by the City of Hesperia which prohibits him and all other registered citizens from visiting public and private locations as well as residing within that city. The lawsuit was filed after the City Council of Hesperia considered, but failed, to repeal or revise its ordinance on July 15.
The scope of the City’s ordinance is broad and includes restrictions regarding where more than 105,000 individuals can be present. Specifically, the ordinance prohibits registered citizens from being present in or within 500 feet of a wide range of locations including the public library, schools, parks, bus stops, restaurants and movie theaters. The Ordinance also prohibits registered citizens from staying in most hotels or motels within the city limits. A registered citizen who violates the ordinance is subject to incarceration for a period of one year and/or a fine of $1,000 for each violation.
“The lawsuit filed today against the City of Hesperia is unique because it personally names City Council members who acted outside the scope of their authority by ignoring recent appellate court decisions which determined that similar ordinances were preempted by state law,” stated CA RSOL President and attorney Janice Bellucci. “In addition, one of the Council members threatened physical violence upon all registered citizens and issued a call to arms during the recent Council meeting.”
Hesperia City Manager Mike Podegracz and City Attorney Eric Dunn recommended that the City Council revise the city’s sex offender ordinance in a report dated July 15, 2014. Their recommendation was based, in part, upon recent appellate court decisions and a threat of litigation from California RSOL.
The first lawsuit filed by Lindsay challenging a sex offender was against the City of Pomona and was filed in federal court on March 24. Subsequent lawsuits were filed in federal court against South Lake Tahoe (March 31), National City (April 8), Carson (April 11), Lompoc (April 21), Sacramento County (April 30), Santa Ana (May 7), Wasco (May 15), Ontario (May 21), Stockton (May 27), Taft (May 29), Orange (June 17), Beaumont (June 24), and Adelanto (July 21). Of that total, lawsuits against the City of Pomona, South Lake Tahoe and Lompoc have reached final settlement. Settlements are pending in four additional cities.
Updated with Links to Media Coverage:
Hesperia sued by sex offender (Hesperia Star)
Hesperia sued by sex offender (Victorville Daily Press – same?)
Posted On 5 Aug, 2014
Charles Rodrick, owner of a family of websites that publishes the names, photos and other personal information regarding registered citizens and sometimes members of their families, today lost a case filed against him in federal district court when the court entered a default judgment. The case alleged that Rodrick and others he controlled violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act by extorting money from individuals in order to have their personal information removed from those websites.
“This is a major victory for registered citizens in our nation,” stated attorney Janice Bellucci. “The court’s decision today to enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiffs sends a clear signal to Mr. Rodrick and to others like him who break the law by illegally demanding funds from registered citizens.”
A total of 10 plaintiffs from 5 states challenged Rodrick’s actions in a lawsuit filed in Arizona federal district court in March 2013. The plaintiffs in the case are seeking termination of the websites at issue, payment for their damages, punitive damages as well as attorneys fees and court costs.
Rodrick was initially represented in the case by an attorney, however, his attorney withdrew in November 2013 reportedly due to Rodrick’s failure to pay legal bills. Subsequent to the withdrawal, Rodrick, who has a 10th grade education, filed legal documents he purported to have written that properly cited case law and the complex Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
“The judge in this case wisely granted a motion filed by plaintiffs that required Rodrick to reveal who actually wrote and filed those documents,” stated Bellucci.
The websites owned by Rodrick include Online Detective, Offendex, SORarchives and SexOffenderRecord. According to court records, the Offendex website received revenues in excess of $30,000 per month.
Full Story
Google Search
MD: Officials removing names from sex offender registry
Posted On 17 Aug, 2014
BALTIMORE —The list of sex offenders on Maryland’s sex offender registry is shrinking because of a Maryland Court of Appeals ruling in June.
The ruling said corrections officials are legally required to remove the names of offenders who committed their crimes before 1995, when the state registry was created. The court ruled that Maryland can’t make those offenders register after the fact. Full Article
PA: Mandatory minimum sentences are ‘unconstitutional,’ court says
Posted On 23 Aug, 2014
Locals charged with crimes involving drugs, guns or sex abuse could be due relief at sentencing, according to a high-court ruling.
A Pennsylvania Superior Court opinion has deemed mandatory minimum sentences “unconstitutional,” a ruling which could have major impact on countless cases here and across the state. Full Article
Sex Offenders Housing Restrictions Are Pointless (Opinion)
Posted On 25 Aug, 2014
On Thursday, Joseph Goldstein of the New York Times reported that “Dozens of sex offenders who have satisfied their sentences in New York State are being held in prison beyond their release dates because of a new interpretation of a state law that governs where they can live.” In short, since 2005, sex offenders in the state can’t live within 1,000 feet of a school, and a February ruling from the state’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision extended that restriction to homeless shelters. Full Opinion Piece
KS: Supreme Court hears arguments on constitutionality of state’s offender registry
Posted On 11 Sep, 2014
TOPEKA, Kansas — The attorney for a convicted child molester on Thursday challenged the constitutionality of the Kansas offender registry before the state’s highest court, arguing social media has made the Internet the new town square for public shaming.
Attorney Christopher Joseph urged the Kansas Supreme Court to uphold a decision by Shawnee County Judge Larry Hendricks that removed the name of a Lenexa man from the registry. The judge ruled the retroactive application of the Kansas Offender Registration Act when the Legislature amended the law in 2011 violates the U.S. Constitution’s ban on “ex post facto,” or after-the-fact, punishments. Full Article
WA: Porn conviction tossed over military’s surveillance role
Posted On 13 Sep, 2014
____ ____, who lives near Seattle, was convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2012 for possessing and distributing child pornography that police said they found on his computer. On Friday, a federal appeals court overturned his convictions because of the unlikely — and illegal — source of the investigation.
The U.S. Navy. To be specific, an agent of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service in Georgia who had a high-powered software program and used it in 2010 to search computers throughout the state of Washington for evidence of child pornography. When the program picked up two child porn images and a video, the agent contacted the FBI, which tracked down ____ name and address. The naval office then got in touch with local police, who obtained a search warrant. The Department of Homeland Security later got a federal search warrant, and ____ was charged in federal court. Full Article
Sex Offender Sues Westminster For Enacting “Unconstitutional” City Park Ban
Posted On 12 Sep, 2014
An activist working to reform municipal and county sex-offender restriction laws in California is now targeting the City of Westminster, according to a federal lawsuit. Full Article
VA: Justices – Judge erred in ordering lifetime waiver of probationer’s 4th Amendment rights
Posted On 14 Sep, 2014
RICHMOND, Virginia — A judge went too far in requiring a sex offender to surrender his constitutional protection against unreasonable searches after leaving prison, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Friday. Full Article
TX: Deputy seeks sex offender dick pics
Posted On 16 Sep, 2014
A Sheriff’s deputy in Wise County has been arrested in a bizarre incident. Sgt. Chad Hightower told sex offenders the state now required him to photograph them nude. He even told one fellow he must achieve an erection for the photo… Read More >>
AK: How We See It – Sex Offender Laws Need Another Look
Posted On 17 Sep, 2014
Is it assuming too much to believe any substantial changes to the state’s sex offender laws is dead on arrival at the state Legislature? Will they even arrive?
Arkansas lawmakers approved creation of a sex offender registry in 1997, joining other states and the federal government in establishing new penalties and handling for people convicted of sex-related crimes, particularly against children. These laws varied state to state, but had at least a couple of similarities. They require convicted sex offenders to register with local and state authorities so their whereabouts can be monitored. They also require some notifications for neighbors under the theory an informed public can at least be more alert to identifiable dangers. Full Article
Posted On 2 Oct, 2014
A sex offender ordinance adopted by the City of Commerce has been challenged in a lawsuit filed today in federal district court on behalf of a registered sex offender (“registered citizen”).
“This lawsuit was filed because the City of Commerce prohibits registered citizens from visiting the public library, parks, bus stops and commercial establishments that provide a children’s playground,” stated California RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The City has failed to revise or repeal its ordinance despite recent court decisions that determined such ordinances are preempted by state law.”
This is the 20th such lawsuit to be filed since March 24. All 20 lawsuits challenge city and/or county ordinances that prohibit registered citizens from being present in public and/or private locations. Below is a list of the local governments that have been sued prior to the City of Commerce as well as the date the suit was filed and whether the case has been settled.
Jurisdiction Date Filed Status
Pomona 3/24 settled
South Lake Tahoe 3/31 settled
National City 4/8 no settlement
Carson 4/11 no settlement
Lompoc 4/21 settled
Sacramento County 4/30 settled
Santa Ana 5/7 settled
Wasco 5/15 settled
Ontario 5/21 settled
Stockton 5/27 settled
Taft 5/29 settled
Orange 6/17 settled
Beaumont 6/24 settled
Adelanto 7/21 settled
Hesperia 7/24 settled
Victorville 8/14 no settlement
Westminster 8/29 settled
South Pasadena 9/9 settlement pending
Canyon Lake 9/24 no settlement yet
Commerce 10/2
The City of Commerce ordinance includes restrictions regarding where registered citizens can be present or reside. Specifically, the ordinance prohibits registered citizens from being present or residing within 300 feet of public libraries, parks, bus stops, schools and commercial establishments that provide a children’s playground. An individual who violates the ordinance is subject to incarceration for up to six months and/or a fine of up to $1,000.
“The sex offender ordinance adopted by the City of Commerce violates both the federal and state constitutions,” stated California RSOL Vice President and attorney Chance Oberstein. “The city’s ordinance is also inconsistent with a recent appellate court decision which determined in January 2014 that a similar ordinance, in the City of Irvine, was preempted by state law. The California Supreme Court denied review of that decision more than five months ago — on April 23, 2014.”
NY: Judge Finds State Limits on Sex Offender Moves Illegal
Posted On 3 Oct, 2014
A judge has found the state’s 2005 restrictions on sex offender movement violate constitutional bans on retroactive punishment when applied to a man convicted of sexual abuse in 2002 and effectively banished him from many parts of Brooklyn as a result.
Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Yvonne Lewis determined that Executive Law §259-c(14)—which forbids sentenced offenders from “knowingly entering into” publicly accessible areas within 1,000 feet of school grounds and other institutions where minors are present—violated the Ex Post Facto Clause of the Constitution in the case of ____ ____, convicted of first-degree sexual abuse of a 17-year-old girl in 2000, when he was 20. Full Article
Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime (Opinion)
Posted On 6 Oct, 2014
THINK back to your first childhood crush. Maybe it was a classmate or a friend next door. Most likely, through school and into adulthood, your affections continued to focus on others in your approximate age group. But imagine if they did not.
By some estimates, 1 percent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness. Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse. Full Article
Making money off sex offender information
Posted On 6 Oct, 2014
NEW BLOOMFIELD — How much money would you pay to know if any sex offenders live in your area?
Santa Barbara, Calif.-based Kids Live Safe charges its subscribers $29.97 per month, or $59.88 per year, to tell them where registered sex offenders live in relation to their houses, schools or other places they frequent. Users can set up email alerts for up to four addresses, install filters to monitor their children’s online activity, and create profiles of their children to give to law enforcement if their children ever disappear. Full Article
NY: Judge rules on difficulty for sex offenders to live in Brooklyn
Posted On 6 Oct, 2014
Forcing sex offenders to stay 1,000 feet away from schools, playgrounds and daycare centers if they were convicted before that state law was enacted is unconstitutional, a new Brooklyn Supreme Court ruling has found. Full Article
County sued over sex offender ordinance
Posted On 21 Oct, 2014
Seeking to protect civil rights for a “socially outcast minority,” the California chapter of Reform Sex Offender Laws this year has sued 22 municipalities for ordinances that the group contends are inconsistent statewide and unconstitutional, the organization’s president said Monday.
San Bernardino County on Oct. 14 was the latest target of California Reform Sex Offender Laws, which is led by Santa Maria attorney Janice Bellucci. Full Article
FL: ACLU Challenges Miami-Dade Housing Restriction Forcing Former Sex Offenders to Live by Railroad Tracks
Posted On 23 Oct, 2014
MIAMI – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Florida filed suit against Miami-Dade County and the Florida Department of Corrections, seeking a permanent injunction against a housing ordinance that is extraordinarily difficult for former sex offenders to follow without becoming homeless. The law prohibits former offenders from living 2,500 feet (almost half a mile) from any building the county labels a “school,” a category the county has enforced arbitrarily since the ordinance went into effect in 2010. This restriction has left about fifty former offenders with nowhere to live other than an outdoor area along railroad tracks on the outskirts of Miami-Dade county. Each night, they sleep in chairs, in tents, and under tarps, without running water or shelter from the weather.
“As public policy, the Miami-Dade ordinance is a disaster. It has created a homeless population living outdoors in squalor, while doing nothing to serve public safety,” said Brandon Buskey, Staff Attorney at the ACLU’s Criminal Law Reform Project. “Disease, exposure to the elements, no drinkable water—these conditions make it extremely difficult to find and maintain stable employment and psychological treatment, which are the only two factors proven to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. We know from decades of research that housing restrictions like Miami-Dade’s have no impact on reoffending and, are more likely to increase it.”
Finding affordable housing for former offenders is so futile under the Miami-Dade ordinance that probation officers routinely direct supervisees to the railroad tracks, recording the tracks as the person’s “address.”
“Sending someone just out of jail into homelessness makes no sense, not for the person and not for the public. The Miami-Dade ordinance is not just unworkable, it’s unconstitutional,” said Nancy Abudu, Legal Director of the ACLU of Florida.
For years, county officials have shuffled former offenders around Miami-Dade. Officials broke up the infamous shantytown under the Julia Tuttle Causeway bridge in 2010, only to create another, lesser known encampment in the Miami neighborhood of Shorecrest. Since officials disbanded that tent city, the area by Miami’s railroad tracks has become the only possible location for scores of individuals.
The ACLU of Florida Greater Miami Chapter has assisted in this case.
Related Media:
ACLU sues over rule on where sex offenders can live in Miami-Dade (Miami Herald)
ACLU Challenges Miami Law On Behalf Of Homeless Sex Offenders (NPR)
Law Limiting Sex Offender Housing Could Hurt Kids, Too, ACLU Says (Huff Post)
TX: For $1.4 million, Dallas sex offender registration doesn’t buy much
Posted On 2 Nov, 2014
If the goal is more stigma and shame, the operation succeeds spectacularly. For starters, the entrance is hidden around back of Dallas police headquarters, behind a rusting door, next to a small sign: “Sex Offender Registration Entrance…
Full Article
AR: Governor to pardon sex-crime offender
Posted On 8 Nov, 2014
LITTLE ROCK – One of the 25 people that Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe plans to pardon is a convicted sex offender who has close ties to the Beebe family. Full Article
FCC Reverses ALJ’s Decision, Revokes Convicted Sex Offender’s Amateur Radio License
Posted On 10 Nov, 2014
The FCC has reversed the decision of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who ruled in 2010 that ____ ____, of Seattle, Washington, could keep his Amateur Radio license in the wake of his conviction for a sex-related crime 17 years earlier. … The FCC said that given “known risks of Amateur Radios in the hands of sex offenders, such misconduct is prima facie disqualifying, and has resulted in the loss of licenses in past cases.” Full Article
Think about it Wendy Davis got 38% of the vote in Texas. The republicans are getting the pressure of the votes.
Even Republicans are Changing their Mind on “Tough on Crime”
Posted On 10 Nov, 2014
“One of the things that’s happening with mass incarceration is that it’s hollowing out [communities], it’s destroying generations. It’s just devastating.” Sounds like something a liberal might say, right? Actually, it’s a quote from Mark Early, a former Republican lawmaker from Virginia, a state notorious for its tough on crime laws. Full Article
Green Notice: Interpol’s paedophile tracking system ‘compromised by privacy concerns’ following Edward Snowden spying revelations
Posted On 12 Nov, 2014
The global system designed to track paedophiles is failing as nations refuse to share information following the Edward Snowden spying revelations, child protection experts have warned.
Suspicions of government “snooping” and potential privacy breaches have meant that countries have proved unwilling to hold and disseminate information on known and dangerous child abusers. Full Article
VA: Manassas City detective in teen ‘sexting’ case sues teen’s lawyer for defamation
Posted On 13 Nov, 2014
The lead detective in a high-profile teen “sexting” case from last summer, in which Prince William County authorities sought to take sexually explicit photos of a 17-year-old teen to compare with the evidence, has filed a defamation lawsuit against the teen’s attorney for making critical comments about the investigation in The Washington Post. Full Article
MI: Former judge says sex offender registry gives ‘false sense’ of security
Posted On 13 Nov, 2014
Does the sex offender registry really keep you safe? A former West Michigan judge says it’s giving you a false sense of security. Newschannel 3 looked into those claims, taking our search across state lines to see how sex offenders are tracked in other areas. You can search for them by your address or your entire city, finding their home address, and even where they work.
But does knowing where a sex offender lives keep your family safe? At least one former judge doesn’t think so. “People have a false sense of being protected. And it’s not,” said retired Van Buren Co. Judge William Buhl. “In my opinion it’s not protecting people.” “It’s not risk based, it’s conviction based,” he said. “So nobody looks at the individuals and asks the question, should we really be afraid of this person?” Full Article
L.A. Unified says girl, 14, could consent to sex with teacher
Posted On 14 Nov, 2014
L.A. Unified officials are coming under fire for allowing their attorneys to argue that a 14-year-old student was mature enough to consent to sex with her middle school math teacher.
The arguments were made in a civil case that was filed last year by the student, who was seeking financial compensation from the district. She said she suffered emotional trauma from a five-month sexual relationship nearly four years ago with her teacher at Edison Middle School in Los Angeles. Full Article
CA Supreme Court to Hear Two Residency Restrictions Cases
Posted On 3 Nov, 2014
The California Supreme Court has scheduled oral argument on two residency restriction cases on December 2 starting at 2 p.m.. The oral arguments are open to the public and will be held at the Ronald Reagan State Office Building, 300 South Spring Street, Third Floor, North Tower, Los Angeles.
“The issue of where a registered citizen may live is of great importance to more than 105,000 families within the state of California,” stated California RSOL President Janice Bellucci. “This issue is also important to the protection of the state and federal constitutions.”
The first of the two cases is People v. Mosley, for which the Court granted review more than four years ago. An important element of that case is whether residency restrictions apply only to registered citizens on parole or to all registered citizens. The source of the residency restrictions at issue is Jessica’s Law which prohibits registered citizens from living within 2,000 feet of a school or a park. That law, when codified, was placed in a section of the Penal Code that applies only to parolees.
The second of the two cases is In re Taylor for which the Court granted review more than two years ago. The focus of this case is whether the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) can prohibit all registered citizens on parole from living within 2,000 feet of a school or a park. The California Court of Appeal stated in its September 2012 decision that residency restrictions adversely affect three constitutional rights – the right to travel, the right to privacy and the right to establish a home. The Court ruled that blanket residency restrictions exceed the scope of its stated objective — the protection of children — because it eliminates nearly all existing affordable housing in San Diego for registered citizens and in essence banishes them from living within most if not all of San Diego County and because it treats all paroles the same regardless of whether his or her crime involved the victimization of children or adults.
“Registered citizens, family members and those who support registered citizens are encouraged to attend the Court’s oral arguments on December 2,” stated California RSOL Vice President Chance Oberstein.
California RSOL will conduct a press conference near the site immediately following the oral arguments.
Online rights restored to sex offenders as Prop 35 is struck down (Radio)
Posted On 19 Nov, 2014
Full Article / Radio Show

We are the good guys when we cease to be the good guys we will cease to be America.
CBS News/December 9, 2014, 6:31 PM
Obama on CIA torture report: "When we make mistakes, we admit them"
President Obama said he believed it was "important" for the Senate Intelligence Committee to release the results of its investigation into the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques, saying in a Telemundo interview airing Tuesday evening: "One of the things that sets us apart from other countries is that when we make mistakes, we admit them." Full Article
This is why I tell people to vote democrat to end the oppression and repression of our country. There is no way this can not hurt free speech:
Outstanding! Love you people! Long Live WAR!
April 14 2015:
The WAR Admin Team AND our Class Action Core Team are proud to announce that we will begin work this week on two law suits to be filed at the federal level this fall. That’s right – two of them!
The first is on behalf of registered sex offenders and the second on behalf of families and friends of registered sex offenders.
The challenges will be against SORNA and the impact to the registrant families, which has been verified and documented by researchers. Also, the public impact will be defined in an upcoming survey being developed with the assistance of Professor Crysanthi Leon of the University of Delaware.
Even though these laws were mandated at the Congressional level then enacted to varying degrees by the state legislatures, we will be asking the court to rule on “the law” thus removing the manner in which legislators have purported to keep children safe - punitive punishment for registrants and families. It is time to take the issue out of the state legislators hands and campaigns and place it firmly in front of the supreme courts.
The concept of filing based on the collateral damage experienced by those who seek to provide positive support at re-entry and thereafter will gather steam and provide a more assertive approach than is being used today.
Please consider this your invitation to visit our website where you will instantly see the announcement as well as the opportunity for participation. We have also listed some Frequently Asked Questions to help answer as many immediate questions as possible.
Join the ‘Movers and Shakers’ in these law suits.
WAR Admin Team
The Sex Offender FAQ creator is a women's rights advocate. I even have a award from Amnesty International; I received in the mail for my philanthropy for women's rights.
philanthropy Definition:
phi·lan·thro·py /f?'lanTHr?pe/ noun: philanthropy
the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. synonyms: benevolence, generosity, humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, altruism, social conscience, charity, charitableness, brotherly love, fellow feeling, magnanimity, munificence, liberality, largesse, openhandedness, bountifulness, beneficence, unselfishness, humanity, kindness, kindheartedness, compassion; historical almsgiving "a family noted for its philanthropy"
How long will American citizens have there basic human right taken from them in the form of mass hysteria for the sake of better ratings and more money for the internet and the media?
How long will politicians get elected by using fear mongering techniques to get the most votes; resulting in the destruction of American community's and eventually if aloud to continue: our entire country?
I added my name to the WAR registrants lawsuit. Although I am not receiving assistance I probably should be.
The recognition page read:
Great! Thanks for filling out this form! Please fill out the form again if you think of additional information that would be helpful to the Class Action lawsuit. Also please have each members of your family and friends fill out this form.
The first is on behalf of registered sex offenders and the second on behalf of families and friends of registered sex offenders.
The challenges will be against SORNA and the impact to the registrant families, which has been verified and documented by researchers. Also, the public impact will be defined in an upcoming survey being developed with the assistance of Professor Crysanthi Leon of the University of Delaware.
Even though these laws were mandated at the Congressional level then enacted to varying degrees by the state legislatures, we will be asking the court to rule on “the law” thus removing the manner in which legislators have purported to keep children safe - punitive punishment for registrants and families. It is time to take the issue out of the state legislators hands and campaigns and place it firmly in front of the supreme courts.
The concept of filing based on the collateral damage experienced by those who seek to provide positive support at re-entry and thereafter will gather steam and provide a more assertive approach than is being used today.
Please consider this your invitation to visit our website where you will instantly see the announcement as well as the opportunity for participation. We have also listed some Frequently Asked Questions to help answer as many immediate questions as possible.
Join the ‘Movers and Shakers’ in these law suits.
WAR Admin Team
WAR is philanthropy !
The Sex Offender FAQ creator is a women's rights advocate. I even have a award from Amnesty International; I received in the mail for my philanthropy for women's rights.
philanthropy Definition:
phi·lan·thro·py /f?'lanTHr?pe/ noun: philanthropy
the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. synonyms: benevolence, generosity, humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, altruism, social conscience, charity, charitableness, brotherly love, fellow feeling, magnanimity, munificence, liberality, largesse, openhandedness, bountifulness, beneficence, unselfishness, humanity, kindness, kindheartedness, compassion; historical almsgiving "a family noted for its philanthropy"
How long will American citizens have there basic human right taken from them in the form of mass hysteria for the sake of better ratings and more money for the internet and the media?
How long will politicians get elected by using fear mongering techniques to get the most votes; resulting in the destruction of American community's and eventually if aloud to continue: our entire country?
I added my name to the WAR registrants lawsuit. Although I am not receiving assistance I probably should be.
The recognition page read:
Great! Thanks for filling out this form! Please fill out the form again if you think of additional information that would be helpful to the Class Action lawsuit. Also please have each members of your family and friends fill out this form.

Former police officer gets 4 years in prison for stalking
FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — A former Fort Collins police officer who used agency resources to stalk a woman has been sentenced to four years in prison and must register as a sex offender.
The Coloradoan reports (http://goo.gl/bv2AJF ) 30-year-old ____________ was sentenced Friday after previously pleading guilty to felony stalking as well as misdemeanor counts of unlawful sexual contact and official misconduct.
Police say a woman reported "inappropriate behavior" by ____________, telling investigators he contacted her multiple times at work and home while he was on duty. ____________ was accused of using police resources to find out where the woman worked and lived in an effort to start a relationship with her.
____________, who was fired in September, worked as a police officer in Butte, Montana, before being hired in Fort Collins in January 2014.
Information from: Fort Collins Coloradoan, http://www.coloradoan.com

Congress: Let Section 215 Die
Congress hastily passed the Patriot Act after 9/11 with virtually no debate, giving the government unprecedented powers to spy on innocent people.
The Patriot Act authorized some of the most abusive and invasive surveillance programs our country has known.
Thankfully, an automatic expiration date was built in to some provisions of the law, to force Congress to have to periodically reconsider them, and prevent them from becoming permanent.
Three provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire on June 1. That includes Section 215, under which the NSA collects records all of our phone calls every day, giving the government a detailed picture of our lives and relationships.
This program is unconstitutional and ineffective, yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just proposed reauthorizing it, and extending it for another five years.
For the government to have such easy access to so much information about your private life is an abuse of power, plain and simple, and has nothing to do with national security.
Tell Congress you want your privacy back now. Urge your representatives to let Section 215 of the Patriot Act finally die
They’ve been committed to indefinite detention in treatment programs after parole.
But now, more than 700-sex offenders are suing the state saying that’s unconstitutional.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:10 pm http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2015/04/28/phoenix-juvenile-corrections-abuse-sentence-abrk/26516779/
PHOENIX (AP) — A former Arizona juvenile corrections officer accused of sexual misconduct with an inmate has been sentenced to 10 years of supervised probation with sex offender terms.
Maricopa County prosecutors say 34-year-old ____________ was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to child abuse and misdemeanor assault.
An inmate at the state Department of Juvenile Corrections' Adobe Mountain School in north Phoenix had accused ____________ of sexual misconduct.
____________ was arrested late last year after investigators heard allegations that he engaged in extended hugs with a 17-year-old girl at the detention center.
____________ originally faced one count of unlawful sexual conduct by a corrections employee and three counts of assault.
____________ worked for the corrections department from 2013 until around late December 2014 when he originally pleaded not guilty in the case.
Elburn police officer charged with sexual assault
April 28, 2015
April 28, 2015
CAMPTON HILLS—A Campton Hills man on Tuesday was charged with preying on and sexually assaulting a child over a 10-year period.
____________, 53, of the 43W block of McDonald Road, Campton Hills, is charged with 10 counts of predatory criminal sexual assault, each a Class X felony, and 11 counts of criminal sexual assault, each a Class 1 felony.
According to the charging documents, between March 2005 and April 2015, ____________ repeatedly sexually assaulted a child he knew. The victim, who was younger than 13 years old when the assaults began, recently disclosed the matter to a mandated reporter, according to Kane County prosecutors.
According to the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA), a wide range of professionals are legally required to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS). The act, originally passed in 1975, has been updated several times over the years, and serves as the basis for all child protection policies and activities in Illinois.
____________ was taken into custody late Monday morning at his home. He is being held at the Kane County jail.
____________on Tuesday appeared for bond call at the Kane County Judicial Center. Bail was set at $500,000. ____________ must post 10 percent of that amount—$50,000 to be released on bond.
If ____________ posts the bond, he is prohibited from having any direct or indirect contact with the victim and the victim’s family until further order of the court. ____________ is prohibited from being within 150 feet of the victim’s residence and school. In addition, ____________must surrender all firearms and ammunition to authorities.
____________’s initial court appearance is set for 9 a.m. May 6, 2015, in Courtroom 311 at the Kane County Judicial Center in front of Associate Judge Clint Hull. If convicted, ____________ faces a sentence of between 6 and 30 years on each Class X count and 4 to 15 years on each Class 1 count to be served consecutive to one another. ____________ would not be eligible for probation. In addition, ____________ must register for life as a sexual offender in accordance with the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act.
According to the Elburn Police Department, ____________ has been an Elburn police officer since 1991. He has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation. Anyone with additional information about this case should contact their local police department.
My comment:
I am not a police hater. My dad; who I loved; was a great police officer for half my life. He lived a exemplary life. I never met anyone in my life that lived a more exemplary, upstanding life; than he did. I am not just saying that because he was my dad. There were times it would make me angry at him for being so regimented. I probably was secretly jealous. I have inherited this trait that has watched over me all my life.
Police officers that think sex offenders are scum bags; should realize police commit sex offences too. When I used to joke with my police friends back east where my dad was a police officer; before the term politically correct; our favorite name for sex offenders was scum bag. These were dudes I used to work out with. I was going through my super macho stage at the time.
All them who are quick to condemn sex offenders; should realize all types of people commit sex offences; even police officers.
The names have been changed to protect the cruel and unusually punished.
My comment:
I am not a police hater. My dad; who I loved; was a great police officer for half my life. He lived a exemplary life. I never met anyone in my life that lived a more exemplary, upstanding life; than he did. I am not just saying that because he was my dad. There were times it would make me angry at him for being so regimented. I probably was secretly jealous. I have inherited this trait that has watched over me all my life.
Police officers that think sex offenders are scum bags; should realize police commit sex offences too. When I used to joke with my police friends back east where my dad was a police officer; before the term politically correct; our favorite name for sex offenders was scum bag. These were dudes I used to work out with. I was going through my super macho stage at the time.
All them who are quick to condemn sex offenders; should realize all types of people commit sex offences; even police officers.
The names have been changed to protect the cruel and unusually punished.
US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the community, the sad reality is that police departments are often more focused on enforcing laws, making arrests and issuing citations. As a result of this as well as an increase in militarized policing techniques, Americans are eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist, estimates a Washington’s Blog report based on official statistical data.
Though the U.S. government does not have a database collecting information about the total number of police involved shootings each year, it’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 Americans are killed by police officers each year. Since 9/11, about 5,000 Americans have been killed by U.S. police officers, which is almost equivalent to the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in the line of duty in Iraq.
Because individual police departments are not required to submit information regarding the use of deadly force by its officers, some bloggers have taken it upon themselves to aggregate that data. Wikipedia also has a list of “justifiable homicides” in the U.S., which was created by documenting publicized deaths.
Mike Prysner, one of the local directors of the Los Angeles chapter for ANSWER — an advocacy group that asks the public to Act Now to Stop War and End Racism — told Mint Press News earlier this year that the “epidemic” of police harassment and violence is a nationwide issue.
He said groups like ANSWER are trying to hold officers accountable for abuse of power. “[Police brutality] has been an issue for a very long time,” Prysner said, explaining that in May, 13 people were killed in Southern California by police.
As Mint Press News previously reported, each year there are thousands of claims of police misconduct. According to the CATO Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, in 2010 there were 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims.
Most of those allegations of police brutality involved officers who punched or hit victims with batons, but about one-quarter of the reported cases involved firearms or stun guns.My comment:
My comment:
I was doing a search on how many police officers are arrested for sexual assault and I found this. There is obviously a problem in our country like this. I think it may be appropriate the author of this long article (click the link to read the rest) choices to compare it to "since 911".

Subject: Tax Ben & Jerry
I signed a petition to Senate Democrats which says:
"If Senate and House Republicans have their way, they will eliminate the estate tax, which affects only the wealthiest 0.2% of taxpayers. Repealing the estate tax would hurt our economy and be fundamentally unfair. Senate Democrats: Stand with us—and stay united against the repeal."
Will you sign this petition? Click here:

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https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/morgan-freeman-baltimore-f-k-media-142223417.html I do not say curse words online, but I must agree with the general meaning of this negativity towards the destruction of our country by the media. |
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Fox news is still sex offender news network central; even though, at least half of the sex offenders are right wing conservatives. |

Friday, May 01, 2015Last Update: 2:51 PM PT
(CN) - A Texas ethics commission on Friday censured a state judge who told a Tea Party group he had a gun in his lap during a sex offender's testimony "because the man was 'way out there.'"
State Judge Michael Seiler presides over the 435th Montgomery County District Court in Conroe, an hour north of Houston.
The Texas Legislature created the court in 2007 to hear cases that determine whether repeat sexual offenders should be deemed "sexually violent 'predators'" and put in halfway houses upon their release from prison, according to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
The commission issued a public reprimand of Seiler on Friday for his comments about his job at a Texas Patriots PAC meeting, and his alleged mistreatment of defense attorneys from the State Counsel for Offenders Office, who represent sex offenders in his court.
At the Texas Patriots meeting in April 2013 Seiler referred to the sex offenders who appear in his court as "psychopaths."
"Seiler explained that he is the only judge in Texas that regularly deals with people who are psychopaths," the public reprimand states. "While making this presentation, Judge Seiler displayed a photo of the fictional serial killer 'Hannibal Lecter.'
"Judge Seiler described a trial involving a psychopath and told the audience that he kept a gun on his lap as he heard the testimony of this individual because the man 'was way out there.'"
Seiler also told the Texas Patriots that it was hard to find halfway houses for sex criminals since "Nobody wants them. We don't want them in our community, right, so we're trying to figure out where they want to put them," the reprimand says.
The commission says Seiler admitted he shouldn't have showed the Tea Partiers photos of three sex offenders or discussed the specifics of their cases.
Under one of the photos Seiler put the caption "cheerleader killer," and told the group the defendant was a former high school player who had sexually assaulted four cheerleaders from the school, the ethics committee claims.
Seiler has earned a reputation for being rude to the state's defense attorneys. Since August 2014 defense attorneys have moved to have him recused 16 times, citing his biased comments to the Tea Party PAC and combative demeanor on the bench.
Eight of those recusal motions were granted.
The State Counsel for Offenders Office declined to comment on the reprimand.
The document cites two instances in which Seiler threatened to throw defense attorneys from the state office out of his courtroom.
Seiler's attorney, Thomas Watkins with Husch Blackwell of Austin, said of the reprimind: "We think it's unfair and will likely appeal it." The ethics commission ordered Seiler to take four hours of instruction with a mentor judge and to concentrate on "the appropriate treatment of attorneys...avoiding bias...and avoiding extrajudicial conduct that casts doubt on a judge's capacity to act impartially."
Seiler signs the sex offenders' civil commitment orders and decides who will get out of the program. No one has been released from the program since it started in 1999, the Houston Chronicle reported
CONROE - Sixteen times in the past four months, defense attorneys have petitioned to have him removed from hearing cases because of perceived bias. Eight times he has gotten the boot. Seven times in six years, appeals courts have found he abused his discretion in rulings.
State commission reprimands Conroe judge over behavior, bias
May 1, 2015 Updated: May 1, 2015 2:15pm
The commission found that state District Judge Michael Seiler of Conroe engaged in "willful and persistent violations" of the code of judicial conduct, including several occasions in court in which he berated attorneys, openly criticized witnesses, made belittling remarks toward gays, and that he made comments at a 2013 Texas Patriots PAC meeting that "could cause a reasonable person to perceive that Judge Seiler would not be fair and impartial.
CONROE - Sixteen times in the past four months, defense attorneys have petitioned to have him removed from hearing cases because of perceived bias. Eight times he has gotten the boot. Seven times in six years, appeals courts have found he abused his discretion in rulings.
State commission reprimands Conroe judge over behavior, bias
May 1, 2015 Updated: May 1, 2015 2:15pm
The commission found that state District Judge Michael Seiler of Conroe engaged in "willful and persistent violations" of the code of judicial conduct, including several occasions in court in which he berated attorneys, openly criticized witnesses, made belittling remarks toward gays, and that he made comments at a 2013 Texas Patriots PAC meeting that "could cause a reasonable person to perceive that Judge Seiler would not be fair and impartial.

Jail worker enters guilty plea for having sex with inmate
The Associated Press /
Published May 2, 2015 at 12:02AM
HILLSBORO — A second Washington County jail worker accused of letting an inmate out of his cell in a maximum security unit to have sex with him has pleaded guilty.
Prosecutors said ________, 33, opened four secured doors from the jail’s control center on six different occasions to let the prisoner into the room, where they had sex on the stairs.
________ resigned from her job as a jail services technician in September. An investigation into another civilian employee, Jill Curry, led to ________’s arrest, The Oregonian reported.
Both separately had sex with the same inmate last spring and summer, prosecutors said. Authorities describe the man as a gang member and sex offender with a significant criminal record.
___, who pleaded guilty earlier this year, was sentenced to more than four years in prison.
________ is to be sentenced June 2. She pleaded guilty Thursday to custodial sexual misconduct, a felony, and official misconduct, a misdemeanor, after some emotional hours in the courtroom.
At one point, at the lunch break, she walked over the prosecutors’ table and said, “If I kill myself, the blood is on your hands.”
Her lawyer, ____, had tried to use evidence for an insanity defense, to show that she suffered from depression, anxiety and delusions that led to her involvement with the inmate. But a judge found he had filed notice too late, and then he lost an emergency appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court.
On Thursday, _________ ruled against allowing evidence from a defense psychologist who planned to testify that ________ had a long history of mental health issues and that her actions with the inmate weren’t voluntary because she was delusional.

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22 pages dedicated to finding this young lady on google.com; plus this on news.google.com all as of yesterday. Weird. All dated May 1, 2015, even weirder. |
My good buddy's at W.A.R. made the news:
Here are my favorite parts of that article:
Here are my favorite parts of that article:
"Families are the collateral damage of the sex offender registry,” said Rayida Grooms, a former St. Joseph resident who married a registered sex offender in 2013. “The sex offender registry doesn't really protect anybody, because it just gives a false security.
when your family gets involved with this issue, it puts a different light on it.”
there are more than 819,000 registrants across the nation
The hypocrisy, she said, is that no public information is available for people released from prison for domestic violence, hate crimes, murder, or other violent offenses.
The laws that we have are brought about by 1 percent
For more information about the Women Against the Registry's movement, visit https://www.womenagainstregistry.org/.

I was watching TMZ Live yesterday May 05 2015, a story came on about someone exposing themselves in public. I am so sick of sex offences being announced on television like it is not big deal.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
I have said it before and will say it again; the only way to end the cruel and unusual punishment of all sex offenders is to punish all sex offences; until most of our population is recognized as either committing a sex offence or at least fantasizing about committing one. Remember the song by the Beatles in the height of their popularity? Why don't we do it in the road: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p3Q46URJUM
McCartney wrote the song after seeing two monkeys copulating in the street while on retreat in Rishikesh, India, with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He marvelled in the simplicity of this natural scenario when compared to the emotional turmoil of human relationships. He later said:
A male [monkey] just hopped on the back of this female and gave her one, as they say in the vernacular. Within two or three seconds he hopped off again and looked around as if to say, ‘It wasn't me,’ and she looked around as if there'd been some mild disturbance ... And I thought ... that's how simple the act of procreation is ... We have horrendous problems with it, and yet animals don't.
I call it the Album. I bought a copy of it and the vinyl was white about 7 years after it came out. I bought it at the Bradlees store on South Main Street where I am from (about 1500 miles from here) Latter in my life; I worked at that same store as a store detective where I apprehended a record amount of shoplifters.
If we all just look inside ourselves we will see these sex offenders we want to kill is ourselves.
This story has a fair ending if you ask me:
ORLANDO, Fla. — A Florida man and woman convicted of having sex on a public beach in the presence of a child are facing up to 15 years in prison and having to register as sex offenders, their lawyer said on Tuesday.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Born_Kissers Another of the unending amount of examples of sex offences in every day television and movies. |
I think the baby character is hilarious,
but I have not watched a family guy episode since
shortly after they started to be on television for two reasons:
This is not right: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/man-bashes-gay-couple-chair-chelsea-bbq-restaurant-article-1.2212416 I read this recently. Gay rights, civil rights and constitutional rights struggles; are very similar to sex offender rights struggles. To take a stand against such human rights violations; is to stand against self destruction. When I read this news, I will post it here:
NYPD investigating possible anti-gay hate crime at Dallas BBQ in Chelsea after video showed man attack gay couple with chair
Updated: Thursday, May 7, 2015, 6:20 AM
The brawl at the Dallas BBQ Tuesday night had briefly been broken up before the suit-wearing, heavy-set bald man, rushed in with a chair and sucker-slammed the men on the head around 11:05 p.m.
I hope they catch the offender of this hate crime against the Dallas BBQ, too.
I very proud of my home state of Connecticut!
While the rest of our country is fixated on torturing human beings against everything our country stands for and our very foundation; Connecticut is taking steps to act with some actual civility.
Bill would create study of Connecticut sex offender law
Thursday, May 7, 2015
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut's sex offender registry law would be re-examined under a bill that has cleared the state Senate.
The Senate passed the legislation unanimously Thursday. It would require the Connecticut Sentencing Commission to study various aspects of the registry, which provides the public with information on sex offenders living in the state who are required to register with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
The commission would examine issues such the risk assessment and management of sex offenders, as well as housing opportunities and obstacles for sex offender registrants. The group would also review the possibility of creating a new tiered classification system based on risk of reoffending. The report would be due in 2017.
The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for final legislative action.
I highly recommend Connecticut this lawyer:
He actually emailed me and suggested Connecticut would be better to live in over Texas. I have read some of the laws from Connecticut and much of it is just as barbaric as Texas. It was sent to me from my home town by the state police there. It is good to know they are doing something more human though.

Did I say I like the ACLU? I meant; I LOVE THEM.
ACLU of Delaware sues over sex offender GPS law
8:08 a.m. EDT May 7, 2015
The American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware has filed a lawsuit challenging a state law that requires certain sex offenders on probation wear a GPS monitor and pay a daily charge.
The requirement was enacted in 2007 for high-risk sex offenders, categorized as Tier III.
The ACLU said in the suit the rule is unconstitutional because it is being applied to those convicted of crimes that happened before 2007.
The suit, filed this week against Department of Correction Commissioner Robert Coupe, is being brought on behalf of three sex offenders whose identities are being kept confidential with court approval.
All three were convicted of offenses before the 2007 law was enacted, the ACLU said.
One of the sex offenders was convicted of raping, sodomizing and robbing a 21-year-old woman decades ago in an undisclosed state, the suit said.
She was incarcerated from 1991 to 2010, before the governor of that state gave her executive clemency.
Check this out: Know Your Rights with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, The Gregory Brothers and the ACLU!
I have been blogging about this for a long time. You can see copies of my work dating back too 2013 here: Older Blogs
My wife is a veteran and this means a lot to me. I have heard about it in the News recently and hope the President is able to make this change. Never the less I believe in the sanctity and reverence of our military. Although there are military lawyers, as a whole and majority of our military; are not well versed in the intricacies of the law. This is most definitely a intricacy of the complexities of politics. I can not begin to be well versed in politics myself, but I do not make the big bucks like our political leaders do. Such is the greatest form of government known to man; capitalism.

If you know someone from New York pass this on:
New York’s broken criminal justice system killed Kalief Browder.
Kalief spent more than three years on Rikers Island without being convicted of a crime. Just 16-years-old when he was arrested for stealing a backpack – a crime he insisted he did not commit – Kalief was held for more than 1,000 days. Starved and brutalized by guards, with the beatings captured on video, Kalief was held in solitary confinement for two years. His case never went to trial, he was never convicted and the charges against him were dropped.
Kalief never recovered. Last Saturday his mother discovered his body after he hanged himself outside the window of his home.
New York must answer for Kalief’s death.
Many factors contributed to this unspeakable tragedy: the culture of violence at Rikers, the routine use of solitary confinement, the perverse commitment to incarceration over rehabilitation. But New York also bears a unique national shame: It is one of only two states that prosecutes all children as adults when they turn 16. On any given day, there are hundreds of children in adult jails and prisons like Rikers Island across the state. They face the highest risk of sexual assault. They are more than twice as likely to report being beaten by staff in adult prisons compared to juvenile facilities. And tragically, with their brains still developing, they are the most vulnerable to the trauma and are 36 times more likely to commit suicide.
Hold state leaders accountable for the lost lives of Kalief and countless other kids. For too long New York has played politics instead of passing essential criminal justice reforms that would raise the age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18. Kids like Kalief are not adults. They should not have to spend another day in adult prisons. They should be treated as juveniles and given second chances.
Kalief shared his story before his death because "he wanted the public to know what he had gone through, so that nobody else would have to endure the same ordeals."
It is too late for state leaders to save Kalief, but it’s not too late for the countless other children of New York who are suffering untold abuses in adult jails and prisons across the state. Take action.
Kalief Browder, rest in peace. Our hearts go out to your loved ones who watched you suffer for so long.
I do not condone suicide as you all know and consider it murder. Never the less this is a example of what I believe will be the downfall of our great country, Our justice system seems more and more like a Nazi regime. Unless we stop this snowball we will all reap the same rewards of the Nazis.

This is important:
Stop the sneak attack against net neutrality: Demand Congress stop siding with cable companies and protect net neutrality
In an attempt to reverse our hard-won rules that protect consumers on an open internet, Congress has slipped language into an appropriations funding bill that would take away the net neutrality protections we all fought so hard to win.
Cable company lobbyists will not stop in their pursuit of higher profit at the expense of the greatest communication tool of our time.
We must stop this sneak attack and once again save the internet. Sign and send the petition to your member of Congress: Do not accept any appropriations riders that threaten to undermine the FCC and the internet.
Please take a moment to add your personal comment to the text below. Members of Congress value personalized messages greatly over form letters. By customizing your message below, you can maximize your impact with your member of Congress and help us win before it's too late.